Thursday, April 1, 2010

Counting sheep just isn't working..

I took sleeping tablets and nothing has happened. I'm just lying in bed thinking about how come I'm not sleeping cause I am so tired.

It's April fools day.. I told a customer that his money was fake.. he nearly died but then I gave it away by laughing. I don't think he was too impressed..

I won 5 euro on the lotto. Not a bad way to start the month. After saying that I wasn't gonna go out much to start saving money, I've decided that I am going out tomorrow cause Sarah's having a good Friday party. Bad Friday. So Hannah and I went down to get me some booze and we had a chat about serious stuff. We never really talk serious me and her. At least it seems like we don't. She's the best person in the world, I fell asleep on the couch today for like 2 hours cause I was off work at 2 and she knew I was asleep cause I didn't text back so she came down and woke me up like the little superstar she is. She also got up early to get Blink tickets for Naomi, her and me. <3

I went to her house for pizza and cake all homemade, so delish. Then my dad came up to see her new kitchen cause he wants to get ours done up but I can't see that happening anytime soon. He's so slow. Example: He said he'd get my car insured last summer and then before christmas he said it again. He only did it this week. At least I'll be driving for the summer. YAYAYAYAYAY.

Going to watch Gossip Girl and try sleep.
I talk about sleeping way too much but it's all that's on my mind, promise I'll stop when I get a good nights sleep.

love x

1 comment:

  1. Look out Killiney!!!!! Some mad bitch is going to be careering around lanes milling down grannies.
