Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I'm spending way too much money and I have nothing to show for it except all the empty bottles of captain morgans sitting at my mirror.

In the past week I went out 3 nights and usually I only go out once. So I'm after spending a stupid amount of money on booze and it wasn't even my money cause I lost my bank card on Friday so wanting to go out on Saturday I had to ask my dad for money cause banks aren't open and deciding to go out at 9pm on Tuesday resulted in asking my dad for more money. So yeah, I think I'm gonna stop going out for a while anyways just give it a break and maybe just go out once in a while.

I say this now when my body is in bits after a seriously rough weekend. Never again will I start drinking at 10 and stop at 9 the next morning. This is also the reason my sleeping pattern is so so fucked. On Monday night I got less than an hour and a half of sleep. It's not like I was up doing anything, I was in bed before 10... and had to be up for work at half 7. And I got hardly any sleep last night and now I'm still awake at half 2 and have to be up again at half 7. Hannah's mom gave me natural sleeping pills so I think I might take them tomorrow night and see what happens. I'm just afraid I'll sleep through my alarm..

Tomorrow is my 3rd day in a row working I wasn't supposed to be in but the owner has to go to a funeral.. anyways I haven't been in work 3 days in a row in a long time and I'm in on Friday too so 4 days in a row and then 4 days off. I can't wait for easter Sunday. I love seeing all my family and little cousins and the eats are always so so good. And seeing my Nanny Haskins is the best thing ever, I dunno what I'd do without her. AND easter eggs, nom.

I've started to get back into reading, YAY. I love it, especially in the the summer cause you can just chill in the sun with a cold drink and read.

I've been thinking a lot about Pablo Escobar recently.

Peace out xo

My wisdom teeth are coming up.

I'm getting wise.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Driving in the rain.

I used to go on so many drives with my dad when I was younger, just down the country to see my cousins or just around Wicklow. And when I got older we just didn't hang out and do it as much so now whenever I get the chance to go on a drive with him I do.

Today we headed down to his bessie mates house in Port Laoise. It's so delish it's on a huge plot of land down some little road and he designed it himself. He's in the middle of building a chicken coop, jealous.

My dad gets in a great mood as soon as he is around this guy so it's a good time to ask him for things that I'd like. So I told him I wanted to go on holidays with Hannah, her mom and sister but that I prob wouldn't have the money and of course he couldn't say no cause he wouldn't want Hannah's mom thinking he was mean. So yay I'm going on holidays with Hannah. Most likely to Greece. I've never been on like a beachy sort of holiday. I'm excited.

Anyways I got to Port Laoise at like 4 and my dad's friend has two little boys and they're gas but they weren't home so I messed around with his seriously obese dog, Sweeney. Happiest dog in the world.

Sweeney giving Charlie the cat a kiss. Sweeney was caught riding her yesterday. She's not neutered nor is he. Bold.

Writing a blog is weird.

Conor and Darragh came home then and they're just too funny.

We headed home then in the lashing rain. I hate and love driving in the rain, it sounds so good but I'm always afraid cause it's hard to see. I think we got home pretty fast, I fell asleep so I don't really know. The worst part about falling asleep in a car is when you have to wake up and run into the house.

I wonder if I'll stick to this blog thing.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I said I'd never get one.