Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I'm spending way too much money and I have nothing to show for it except all the empty bottles of captain morgans sitting at my mirror.

In the past week I went out 3 nights and usually I only go out once. So I'm after spending a stupid amount of money on booze and it wasn't even my money cause I lost my bank card on Friday so wanting to go out on Saturday I had to ask my dad for money cause banks aren't open and deciding to go out at 9pm on Tuesday resulted in asking my dad for more money. So yeah, I think I'm gonna stop going out for a while anyways just give it a break and maybe just go out once in a while.

I say this now when my body is in bits after a seriously rough weekend. Never again will I start drinking at 10 and stop at 9 the next morning. This is also the reason my sleeping pattern is so so fucked. On Monday night I got less than an hour and a half of sleep. It's not like I was up doing anything, I was in bed before 10... and had to be up for work at half 7. And I got hardly any sleep last night and now I'm still awake at half 2 and have to be up again at half 7. Hannah's mom gave me natural sleeping pills so I think I might take them tomorrow night and see what happens. I'm just afraid I'll sleep through my alarm..

Tomorrow is my 3rd day in a row working I wasn't supposed to be in but the owner has to go to a funeral.. anyways I haven't been in work 3 days in a row in a long time and I'm in on Friday too so 4 days in a row and then 4 days off. I can't wait for easter Sunday. I love seeing all my family and little cousins and the eats are always so so good. And seeing my Nanny Haskins is the best thing ever, I dunno what I'd do without her. AND easter eggs, nom.

I've started to get back into reading, YAY. I love it, especially in the the summer cause you can just chill in the sun with a cold drink and read.

I've been thinking a lot about Pablo Escobar recently.

Peace out xo

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