Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's like rain on your wedding day.

Blogging from the dart, just cause i can. Seriously enjoying my new phone. I opted not to get an iPhone cause I realised how much I can't stand touch screens.

Anyway, heading to work for a 3 hour shift. Easy peasy. I hope people go shopping despite the fact that it looks like it's going to piss rain. It just started to lash, fuck.

I lost all my music during the week and Gajb came over last night before we headed to extreme pizza to give me some of his music. Now I'm sorted, well kinda. Still have some other things to download, anyway he had Alanis Morissette and I was like FUCK, NEED THAT. So now I can't stop listening to it. It reminds me so much of my sister, big gay head on her. Which reminds me that, she's home tomorrow or Monday, we're not sure.

I just got home and realised that I never posted this. So, I am not posting from the dart..I'm on my couch watching my new fav tv show, peak season. It's so good. I get hooked on ridic shows way to easily.

Work was busy, which was good. I have some of the best customers sometimes... My fav one is John.. He's like 50 and gay. He loves me and one of the other lads, Adam. He comes it and buys loads and is just always so nice and funny and gives me hugs and kisses on the cheek.  He came in today anyways and got me to ring his phone so I could hear his Glee ringtone..of course it was Sue Silvester singing Vogue by Madonna... so then he decided we should watch the video to it and of course he has every episode of Glee on his iphone... Awh he's just too good <3 I had another two lads in who I was talking to about Jersey Shore for about 10 minutes. I also had a very cute little boy in who just learned how to yoyo and it he kept showing me. These were 3 nice things to pass my three hour shift.

I'm an emotional wreck tonight. I went to see Dear John with Hannah. TOO good. I had tears in my eyes for the whole film although I could of just been crying cause Channing Tatum is beautiful. 

Tv show over, listening to Alanis Morissette. AGAIN.

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