Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I write loads of blogs, sorry.

Yesterday was a good day. Work was grand though it dragged a bit but me and Kate had the laughs like usual. We listen to the most ridic music like Sean Paul, Wiley and R Kelly. Customers must think we're absolute weirdos. Considering we do sing along at the top of lungs and dance. Well I do, anyways. Kate just laughs at me. The downstairs till broke at the end of the day so I got delayed getting outta work so I was rushing to the dart to get home and caught the dart just in time. Phew. 

Got home anyways, successfully made pasta and chicken for my dinner which Hannah and Alisha helped themselves to when they came down. I HATE washing up. I'm so shit at it. I put kitchen cleaner on the pan and chopping board. Little did I know it had bleach in it. Alisha was shocked. So we ended up just chilling in the sitting room talking about everything and it was good. We usually do that. Hannah wouldn't put down a feather duster that she found somewhere in my house. Too funny. They left and I fell asleep on the couch. Good times.

Today was another good day. No work and sun. Perfect combination. Woke up at about one which is pretty early for me when I'm not in work so that was good. Anyways got up, showered, dressed, watched 90210 and then walked down to my nannys house. My nanny tried to trick me and tell me my bike got stolen. But it didn't so I cycled to the shops for her and just around glasthule. It was nice. 

Came home went for an aul driving lesson. Some fucking wanker drove up my arse on a main road and I had to do a hill start which i can do but cause he was so close behind me i was so nervous and the car rolled back and I didn't hit him and the arsehole got out of the car to check. UGH. Then some other idiot overtook me on the inside which is just wrong. What a terrible day of driving. 

Marcus told me to write about giving him lifts. Naaaaaaaaaah. Bus wanker. 


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