Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"my bed's too big for just me"

I'm back to not sleeping anymore...This fucking sucks. 

I don't feel well at all, haven't really since Sunday morning dunno why though. I get sick a lot, like puking sick. But like not from actually feeling sick? I get it from like feelings? Like on Monday when I got the letter about getting into the course I got so excited I got sick. My brother thinks it's the funniest thing. It's not. It happens too often now, it used to never happen. This is weird that I'm talking about getting sick, I'm so sorry. This is the kind of thing that consumes my mind at 4:02am.

I spent the day in bed, basically. Got up had a shower, planned on going out for an aul drive but, my phone broke so I couldn't call anyone. So I just got back into bed and sorted out my itunes. I did a pretty good job. Still missing loads of music.  My phone is kinda ok now too.. Still tastes like salt. Hurry up and come through with my iPhone, Dad.

I somehow, had this delish band called discovery downloaded already. Dunno where they came from but I love them. Most people I know won't be into them though so I'm gonna blare them in the shop tomorrow and make some customers fall in love. Fuck 4 hour shifts though. Money is money though, ey? 


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