Monday, May 24, 2010

I won't stop complaining till it's gone away.

I fell on Saturday night and hurt my ankle. Stupidly stayed out all night on it and probably made it a little worse. I was supposed to go to the hospital straight away but I was a little to drunk and just went home to bed. Hannah came over before the gig, which I was actually so annoyed I was missing, she looked after me a little, helping me up and stuff. She left and I passed out till my dad came home to bring me to the hospital.

The pain was actually unbearable.. I was sitting in a&e balling my eyes out even though they gave me some serious pain killer. I think I'm just shit with pain cause I got an xray and it's not broken or nothing it's a sprain and soft tissue damage, so basically just really badly bruised. It hurts like a bitch though. I'm on 2 pain killers every 4 hours along with 1 anti inflammatory every 4 hours. I can still feel the pain but I think the painkillers take most of the pain away. If that makes sense. I'm off work till next Wednesday, but it's not like I can do anything. I would appreciate visitors, if you love me :) 

Hangouts today were so good :)

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